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Posts Tagged "Indianapolis Internet Marketing"

Projecting the Top 10 Internet Marketing Trends for 2010 – Part 2

Projecting the Top 10 Internet Marketing Trends for 2010 – Part 2

2010 holds a lot of promise and could be an exciting year with all of the potential changes ahead. Some of the these changes could revolutionize internet marketing, while the effects of others are far from known. Just keep an eye on the ever-changing trends and stay one step ahead of your competition.

Projecting the Top 10 Internet Marketing Trends for 2010

Projecting the Top 10 Internet Marketing Trends for 2010

Internet marketing is constantly evolving and as 2009 ends, it is time to take a look at what will be leading the way in 2010. It is important to not only know what lies ahead, but what you can do to position yourself for success. Here are the top 10 internet marketing trends to keep in eye on in 2010

eCommerce: The Big Problem No One Is Talking About

eCommerce: The Big Problem No One Is Talking About

However, the problem is not a lack of data, but an excess of data. With technology trends and social media trends continuing to evolve and expand, e-commerce sites can quickly become buried in data.

Data is useless if a business does not know what it means and how to use it to optimize their future actions.

Internet Marketing – Joining the Conversation

Internet Marketing – Joining the Conversation

In today’s economic climate, your business needs to do more than just wheel out the same old tired marketing strategy year after year. The popularity of online publishing tools – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr – have created a unprecedented media opportunity for businesses to promote brand awareness by becoming an information authority on topics that are relevant to your industry.

Internet Marketing for Independent Professionals

Internet Marketing for Independent Professionals

For the nine-to-five worker, the perks of freelancing may seem endless: working in your own time, choosing your own projects, being your own boss. But few people have bothered to mention the competition. There are over 10 million independent contractors in the U.S., and that figure is expected to grow as more people find themselves out of work thanks to the recession.

5 Reasons to Put Your Business on the Web

5 Reasons to Put Your Business on the Web

Let’s say you’re in a fairly straightforward business, such as construction, and you like to work face-to-face with your customers. You’ve been running the business on your three-year-old PC. So there’s no need to invest in a website, right?

Social Media Marketing: A Beginner’s Guide

Social Media Marketing: A Beginner’s Guide

First there was MySpace, then there was Facebook and Friendster. Then came the likes of Digg and Delicious. These days, people are on to Twitter. No, these aren’t characters from a children’s show. They’re what the marketing industry calls social media—a growing body of content created by the masses as opposed to mainstream providers (like TV and radio). And in the fast-paced world of online marketing, they’re the next big thing.

Overused Internet Marketing Trends

Overused Internet Marketing Trends

No other industry has a landscape as varied as Internet marketing. With 100 million sites pouring out a constant stream of content, your most ingenious catchphrase can become cliché in a matter of seconds. Whether you like it or not, change is the only constant rule in Internet marketing. You need the occasional shift in strategy to stay in business. If the following techniques still make up most of your plan, it’s time to change your approach.

Choosing Your Business Colors

Choosing Your Business Colors

Market research shows that colors account for around 80% of the information retained on a website. But we don’t need studies to know that—just take a look at the pristine whites of or the organic greens of Starbucks. Colors are never just colors for a business—they’re as closely tied to your identity as your trade name.