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Best and Worst Inbound Marketing Practices

Best and Worst Inbound Marketing Practices

There’s no shortage of options when it comes to marketing techniques. A business might invest in direct mail, trade shows, SEO, affiliate programs, and more recently, blogs and social media. But diverse as it is, marketing has its upsides and downsides like any other industry. Simply put, some approaches work better than others—and some don’t work at all.

Making Banner Ads that Work

Making Banner Ads that Work

If you’ve browsed the Web for even a few minutes, you’ve probably seen your fair share of banner ads. These flashy marketing ploys have been on the Web since 1993, and if current figures are any indication, they’re out to conquer the online industry. But before you go around hiring designers, here’s another fact: it’s not that simple.

3 Outdated Internet Marketing Trends

3 Outdated Internet Marketing Trends

Internet marketing isn’t mysterious. In fact, we can sum up the rules of the game in two words: stay ahead. Your marketing efforts are only worth it if you’re using the right tools, addressing the right people, and saying the right words. And in the fickle world of the Web, these things change more often than you probably think.

5 Ways to Write Web Marketing Copy

5 Ways to Write Web Marketing Copy

It doesn’t take a Pulitzer to recognize well-written marketing copy. It’s all about persuasion: you use words to spark interest, sell your stuff, and get people to see things your way. No matter how well you can twist words around your head, you won’t get very far without proper persuasive techniques.

Conficker (aka Downadup, Kido) Removal Tools – Updated 08/07/09

Conficker (aka Downadup, Kido) Removal Tools – Updated 08/07/09

Over the past couple of weeks our technicians have been receiving a lot of questions regarding the Conficker worm. As a result, I wanted to address some of the most frequently asked questions on protection, infection and removal procedures. We want to inform our readers on the worms capabilities and the tools available to address it.

Boost Your Sales with User-friendly Design

Boost Your Sales with User-friendly Design

User-friendly design has been a hallmark of business long before we built our first computers. From pencils to particle accelerators, we’ve always moved towards changes that make it easy for people to use technology. On the Internet, user-friendly design is so heavily discussed that it’s almost a cliché—but that’s just a testament to its importance.

Web Typography 101

Web Typography 101

Back when the Web was in its infancy, typography was the least of our concerns. There was pretty much only one font in circulation, and on-screen images were still a thing of the future. But we’ve come a long way since then—even a non-techie can vouch for that. Simply put, typography can make or break your business.

Designing for the Web 2.0 User

Designing for the Web 2.0 User

When people started throwing around the term “Web 2.0,” designers were quick to respond with a new set of rules. The blocky HTML and unwieldy frames have been replaced by a sleeker style, one that panders to the public’s increasing need for speed. One can easily recognize a Web 2.0 site: simple yet snazzy, feature-packed but able to load in seconds.

Web Design Mistakes to Avoid

Web Design Mistakes to Avoid

Magazines and TV shows pay a premium for creative layout and artistic direction. That’s because they work on one basic principle: perception is everything. And in this fickle marketplace called the Internet, it’s even more important. With an “empowered” audience that can turn its back anytime, a company’s website can make or break its business.

Website Layouts That Work

Website Layouts That Work

Many websites are starting to adopt the “magazine” look—layouts inspired by the graphically rich designs of pop magazines. Why? Because they’re learning something that magazine artists have known for ages: people are visually hungry creatures. Hundreds of street surveys have proven it: everyone reaches for the big and bold covers, while the bland black-and-whites tend to be ignored.